Helpful Links
New York City Cooling Tower Registration Portal
Portal to register cooling towers in New York City
New York State Cooling Tower Registration Portal
Portal to register cooling towers in New York State
An Owner's Guide to Cooling Tower Regulations
New York City Department of Health's quick guide to cooling tower regulations
New York City Department of Health's web page for frequently asked questions regarding cooling towers

New requirements for cooling towers issued by New York City passed March 28, 2019
New requirements for cooling towers issued by New York City effective August 18, 2015
Chapter 8 of Title 24 of the Rules of the City of New York
New requirements for cooling towers issued by New York City Department of Health effective May 9, 2016
Title 10 of the New York Codes of Rules and Regulations (10 NYCRR), Subpart 4-1 Cooling Towers
New requirements for cooling towers issued by New York State effective July 7, 2016
New York City DOHMH August 6 Commissioner’s Order
Copy of the mandatory order issued by the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on August 6, 2015
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on cooling tower registration
Protection Against Legionella: Cooling Tower Requirements
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on cooling tower requirements
New York City Cooling Tower Registration and Maintenance
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on cooling tower registration and maintenance
Inspecting and Disinfecting Cooling Towers
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on inspecting and disinfecting cooling towers
Cooling Towers: Maintenance Program and Plan
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on Maintenance Program and Plan (MPP) for cooling towers
Minimum Fines for Observed Inspection Deficiencies
New York City Department of Health's list of minimum fines associated with violations
Legionellosis (Legionnaires' Disease)
New York City Department of Health's web page for information on Legionnaire's Disease
Legionnaires' Disease (Legionellosis) Frequently Asked Questions
New York City Department of Health's web page for frequently asked questions on Legionnaire's Disease
Legionella and Cooling Towers - Questions and Answers
New York City Department of Health's web page for frequently asked questions regarding Legionella and cooling towers
Appendix 4-A - Interpretation of Legionella Culture Results from Cooling Towers
New York City Department of Health's guide for interpreting Legionella culture results
New York State Press Release on New Emergency Regulations to Combat Legionnaires' Disease
New York State's press release regarding information on the new emergency regulations to combat Legionnaire's Disease
Interactive Map: Regional, District and County Environmental Health Programs
Map directory to locate and contact local health departments in New York State